I’m over it.
It’s now or never.
I have battled with weight my entire life, attended slimming world, weight watchers, gym classes, sports clubs, personal training sessions, there is nothing I have not done.
They have all been successful too! But then I’ll get bored…
I have the attention span of a three-year-old child.
My body also likes to play mind games with me just to keep it real interesting;
Eat like a rabbit = Gain Weight
Eat 500 takeaways, 3 bottles of prosecco & a family pack of Maltesers = Lose weight
Seriously, give me something to work with here, I feel like I’m playing the lottery!
I was over it.
I wanted something that I couldn’t get bored with, couldn’t give up, couldn’t escape from, because frankly I was in a deep pit, going around in circles, I didn’t think I could get out or stop that from spiraling.
Over the years I have spent days on end crying, breaking down clothes shopping, angry at myself after clothes deliveries and dreading being the fat one on a night out.
Some people who carry a little extra timber own that sh*t! They are hot, bad ass women oozing confidence …But that was never me.
Fat, Thin, Round, Chunky, Slim, Toned, Athletic, Cookie Monster – if you are happy with how you look and you feel great then absolutely bloody fantastic!!
It is no ones business but yours, OWN THAT S**T!!
If you want to change, if you want to lose weight, gain weight, buy tits, build muscle, buy bigger tits, then again, absolutely bloody fantastic!!
It is no ones business but yours! OWN IT!!
So here we are….
On 28th September, I had weight loss surgery. I had surgery to literally remove 75% of my stomach.
The funny thing about this was, the only reason I ever considered not having it done was because of how other people would view me…
Are my results now not valid?
Does this make me a cheat?
Will people thing I’m a quitter?
Do I look weak?
Luckily for anyone who wants to answer yes to any of these, I considered your views for approximately 0.5 seconds and guess what, you’re the asshole.
I am such a huge advocate for people doing what they want with their bodies, their life choices, because its exactly that: THIER CHOICE, not mine, not yours, THIERS!
We are surrounded by people who want to pass judgement, want to have their 2 cents worth and sometimes no matter how much you stick your two fingers up to them and know they're the asshole, you let their comments creep into your head .... hold your head high and don't let the bastards get you down, if they are your family, friends knocking you down, sack them off!!
You go live your best life, do what you want to do, see who you want to see, have surgery, travel, shag the manager, get wrecked, buy the outrageous dress, if it makes you happy, DO IT!
This wasn’t anyone else’s choice, this was mine to make and it’s the best thing I could have ever done!
I will never eat the same way again, I will never be allowed to abuse my body, but most importantly - I will never be allowed to give up!
There it is, the biggest choice I have made in my life, in a nutshell, There will be more in future but for now, that's the news. I was skeptical whether I should share this with the world but why should I hide it like I'm ashamed , because I am not!
Note: Please remember that for every person that is battling to lose weight there is someone else battling to gain weight, the same struggles, the same mental battle, so please never assume someone’s stance on their appearance!