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Writer's pictureThe Fat Engineer

Willpower of a chocolate teapot..

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

Its new year and it's time to fill 2019 with targets to smash!!


Now looking back over the last few years hands up:

How many of you have made new years resolutions?

How many have you stuck to them for 1 month?

How many have stuck to them for 6 months?

How many lasted the whole year?

…I see those hands dropping!

Every year our Facebooks, Instagrams, Snapchats, Twitters, Vines, Youtubes, Whatsapps, Tumblrs, Vibre, Gooogle+, MySpace …. are filled with continuous statements of “New Year, New Me” statements. I love seeing this and love hearing how people want to improve their lives.

But, 3 weeks later these same people have already forgotten what they said!

  • Crystal is still missing every lecture because she’s had 20 vodka shots on a Monday night.

  • Nixon is still moaning he’s so hard done by, despite being 30 and living at home.

  • Sandra is still ringing her ex every time she gets a whiff of Prosecco.

Now if you’re on this page I would guess you either have similar goals to the TheFatEngineer or perhaps you’re just really bored. Either way; set yourself the challenge and write your 2019 goals below, no matter what they are, how small, how big, anything, the internet lets you forget nothing! I’ll be sure to check in with you and keep you accountable!

Now this year I have made a slight change to my New Years resolutions. For me my resolution could simply be:

"To lose Weight"

Don’t be fooled into thinking that making a resolution like this will be enough to keep you accountable. Something so vague means nothing, I could loose 1lb and technically still have met my goal.

Resolutions are fabulous but you have to give it a number, give it a date, give yourself an actual target that you can meet, a real goal to work towards, the best way to do this is to break your targets down into smaller more manageable chunks.

So In actual fact, my new years resolution is:

"To lose 2 stone by May 31st 2019 & To lose 4 Stone by Christmas 2019"

On top top of my annual goal, every month I am going to set myself a mini weight loss goal to ensure I am on the right path. For the Month of January this is 10lb! This seems high but I am pretty certain at least half of this is just prosecco and chocolate weight!

For every month of 2019 I am also going to give up one food.

The idea of giving up one food is that after a month I should be used to life without it and hopefully will have less need for it in my diet.

That being said, if I give up chocolate for a not think for one second that i'll just magically forget about it!

So without further ado, lets get on with it, less chit chat more action! Let me know your goals and what you want to achieve in 2019!

Come Join me on Instagram!

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